Tuesday 22 April 2014

Cafe culture, a little information on Melbourne's history .

Now  and the past . 

Coffee and cafés 
The popular cafés in melbourne , cafe denat , which open earlier in 1893 , eventually known as florenentino's . Coffee came out with the first fleet, in melbourne . Coffee houses sprung up here in the early 1830s the development of melbourne cosmopolitan cafe scene has long been to the influx of European migrants , particularly Italians , after World War Two .these post war migrants went to populate the inner city suburbs ,that the European cafe culture in melbourne began . Now there are cafés , nearly in every corner.The CBD, is known to have over 2000 cafés . Yes melbourne is a amazing place for coffee lovers . Now we also have very skillful and artistic and articulate baristas .salut to coffee, I love a good cup myself . 

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